Productivity Hacks

Get tips and tricks to not only save you time but enable you to focus on the most impactful and meaningful tasks.
June 13, 2024
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With the release of AI in Rex CRM, we’re excited to share key insights on how to effectively integrate AI into your real estate business while avoiding the mistakes that many have made along the way.
Rex AI's smart filters filtering real estate contacts
May 17, 2024
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We’re excited to announce the upcoming launch of Rex AI. A suite of features within Rex Sales and Rentals CRM crafted to dramatically reduce administrative time and amplify action.
Rex AI features in action
April 4, 2024
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But far from being a threat, AI is an opportunity – a chance for real estate agents to shift focus from mere task execution to more meaningful aspects of their profession.
AI in real estate graphic
March 1, 2024
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The enhanced Reminders feature within Rex Sales & Rentals CRM is tailored to improve task management and ensure comprehensive oversight across all agency operations.
Graphic of a reminder
February 20, 2024
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Rex Sales & Rentals CRM’s newest feature, will help you manage, forecast, and engage in the journey from appraisal to listing to help keep you focused on the right opportunities at the right time.
Rex Sales and Rentals CRM's newest feature Appraisals Pipeline
October 13, 2023
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Beyond convenience, standardising agency processes is your golden ticket to ramping up referrals, streamlining your time, elevating agency insights, and pocketing more commission. 
Image of red and yellow toy houses
September 7, 2023
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These seven CRM strategies, ranging from optimising your calendar to automating mundane tasks, are the building blocks to not just a productive but also a profitable real estate business.
Real estate agent making a call and being productive with background graphics
August 24, 2023
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In the complex dance of decision-making, the 'Region-Beta Paradox' reveals a startling truth: we often tolerate minor inconveniences longer than major ones. For estate agents, this means clinging to '
July 12, 2023
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Within just 5 days of its release, Threads by Meta has amassed an astonishing 100 million users, a feat that took ChatGPT over two months to achieve...
June 19, 2023
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What does the future of AI hold for agents and agencies? We explore the transformative potential of AI in the real estate industry.
Real estate agent holding a mobile phone with graphic illustration
April 18, 2023
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We explore the 3 stages of an effective real estate marketing funnel and provide you with a comprehensive guide to optimising your campaigns for maximum impact. Read on to find out how.
March 29, 2023
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Over 100 million people have tried out ChatGPT since its launch in late 2022. Here are our 9 favourite ways you can use ChatGPT to boost your productivity and improve your real estate business.
Top 9 uses for ChatGPT in Real Estate
March 22, 2023
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Want to build brand awareness and drive more hot seller leads your way? We explore clever real estate ad ideas that can have a big impact on your audience and get you more leads.
Example images of real estate ad ideas
March 20, 2023
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We were fortunate enough to attend the Reach proptech school for an inspiring presentation by Kylie Davis President of Proptech Association Australia, here's the insights!
Kylie Davis Key Insights
January 31, 2023
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In this guide, we walk you through six strategies to enhance your local SEO, increase the visibility of your agency and listings, and attract more leads.
Optimising local seo for real estate illustrated image
December 19, 2022
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In this discussion, we explore the challenges facing agents today when it comes to data management and delve into the untapped potential sitting inside most real estate agency databases.
David Mintz from Kerfuffle speaks to Mark Hinkins and Tom McCarthy about the real estate database
September 28, 2022
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With both templated and completely customisable options available, here’s 5 ways Custom Reporting can save you hours in weekly admin.
Our top tips on Custom Reporting for day-to-day use
September 14, 2022
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With so many options available it can be tough to decide which CMS platform to choose, but there are a few key factors you need to consider...
Real estate agency website CMS
June 1, 2022
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With the audience abuzz and the music pumping, the start of AREC was electric. After all the market highs and lows in the past year, our industry was ready to celebrate successes, share heartfelt stor
AREC 2022 Accelerating into the next normal
May 30, 2022
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To blog effectively, you need a game plan. Without a content calendar, you’ve got nothing to aim for, and nothing to measure your efforts on. So where to begin?
How to build a content calendar for your real estate blog
May 1, 2022
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Meet Matt and Kristy Miller. Both in their late 20’s Matt is an infrastructure engineer working on some of the big road projects in Brisbane and Kristy is a pharmacist working in a private hospital.
Meet the Millers
April 18, 2022
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Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day – you can blame the Egyptians for that one. So, if you can’t make more time, what can you do? You can save it. Enter CRM.
What would you do with extra time…
March 31, 2022
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There are a lot of options when it comes to database tools, automation tools, marketing platforms and communications. Find the one that's right for you.
Time to find the right tech partner...
March 21, 2022
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From reminding ourselves to pick up milk on the way home, to researching the best restaurants in the area, we're living in an age where technology is doing the thinking for us. Laboursome tasks are no
Three steps to become a source of real estate information (and win business!)
March 15, 2022
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If you’re reading this, you’ve at least entertained the idea of changing real estate systems. That’s the first step. Read on to find out what to do next to make the transition simple.
5 top tips to switch real estate CRMs
March 7, 2022
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You may be keen to reap the rewards of a well planned real estate blog, but have no idea where to start. We’ve got you covered with five great content ideas.
Woman at a laptop writing real estate blog content
February 7, 2022
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Blogging has become an integral part of modern marketing strategies. Read our top three reasons we think you’ll benefit from adding a blog to your real estate website.
Man at a computer writing a real estate blog
January 31, 2022
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Securing a listing is the lifeblood of any estate agency. Getting it right delivers agency growth, stability & good times for all. Stay on top of your prospecting with Rex.
March 11, 2021
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We're in an era where automation isn't just about saving time and money, but it's also about enhancing accuracy and efficiency, mitigating human error.
September 2, 2020
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May 19, 2020
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Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, acrophobia...these are well-known fears affecting a significant portion of our population. However, there is a lesser-known phobia that’s starting to affect more people.
May 23, 2019
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The more money spent on marketing, the greater the chance of finding a buyer… right?
June 22, 2018
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August 17, 2017
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February 22, 2017
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Losing even a single lead can be a disaster. You never know how much potential referral and repeat business you might have lost.
September 26, 2016
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November 2, 2015
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If you want to stay relevant, you need to keep up with the pace of change
September 17, 2015
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August 4, 2015
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Recently we’ve been traveling around Australia conducting workshops and visiting some of our clients