New help videos, new help video library

We're happy to announce that our Help Video Library has undergone a facelift and is now simpler to use and more full of content than ever.3 Videos have been removed from the library due to irrelevant content and 15 New Ones have been added - this brings the size of our Help Video Library to just under 40 videos.As part of the face lift, all our help videos have been categorised and reviewed to make it easier to find the topic you're after.

To access the new look video library:

  1. Log in to Rex
  2. From the top menu select Help > Video Library
  3. Select the video you want to watch and click Play.

We hope you enjoy the update.New to Rex?If you are new to an office that uses Rex (or just need an overall refresher) we recommend that you register for one of our free monthly training webinars. You'll find a list of upcoming webinars on the lower right hand side of your Dashboard in Rex.Need More Help?Can't find what you're looking for in the video library or think we should add another video? Try our FAQ for help with other topics (via Help > Quick Help) or contact one of our friendly support staff (via Help > Contact Support).

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