Brand Building & Marketing

Make the most of your brand exposure and market your business and yourself successfully.
June 13, 2024
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With the release of AI in Rex CRM, we’re excited to share key insights on how to effectively integrate AI into your real estate business while avoiding the mistakes that many have made along the way.
Rex AI's smart filters filtering real estate contacts
May 17, 2024
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We’re excited to announce the upcoming launch of Rex AI. A suite of features within Rex Sales and Rentals CRM crafted to dramatically reduce administrative time and amplify action.
Rex AI features in action
May 9, 2024
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Concentrating solely on buyer leads might mean missing out on a significant growth opportunity—reaching prospective sellers. We explore some of the most effective campaign strategies to drive sellers.
Image of real estate ad ideas for seller leads by Rex Reach
February 14, 2024
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Valentine's Day reminds us of the importance of relationships in real estate. CRM systems like Rex revolutionise buyer-seller matching, enhancing efficiency and personalised service in the industry.
Find your perfect match with Rex
October 30, 2023
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Discover how Rex Reach's tailored approach outshines generic boosted posts, offering broader reach, precise targeting, and a superior ROI for real estate
Image of property listing and real estate ad
August 29, 2023
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As the Australian property market anticipates a 2-5% price surge by 2024, the real battleground for agents shifts to the digital realm.
August 15, 2023
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Explore the vital role of digital marketing in modern estate agency. In this article we address why estate agents must embrace digital strategies to stay competitive.
Image of a real estate ad and two young homebuyers
July 21, 2023
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​​Discover how digital marketing strategies and platforms like Rex Reach, can provide a competitive edge in the unpredictable real estate market.
real estate landing page on a mobile phone
April 20, 2023
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At Rex Software, we’ve been working with the property industry providing a world class CRM, digital advertising tool, website management and soon property management solutions.
April 18, 2023
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We explore the 3 stages of an effective real estate marketing funnel and provide you with a comprehensive guide to optimising your campaigns for maximum impact. Read on to find out how.
March 22, 2023
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Want to build brand awareness and drive more hot seller leads your way? We explore clever real estate ad ideas that can have a big impact on your audience and get you more leads.
Example images of real estate ad ideas
January 31, 2023
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In this guide, we walk you through six strategies to enhance your local SEO, increase the visibility of your agency and listings, and attract more leads.
Optimising local seo for real estate illustrated image
December 5, 2022
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Whether you're a solo agent or running a real estate agency, your website is one of your most valuable assets. It's where potential clients can learn more about you and ...
June 20, 2022
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How top sales account use social media to win
May 30, 2022
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To blog effectively, you need a game plan. Without a content calendar, you’ve got nothing to aim for, and nothing to measure your efforts on. So where to begin?
How to build a content calendar for your real estate blog
May 9, 2022
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Blog posts require a fair bit of elbow grease. Luckily, there are easier (and more effective) ways to lure potential vendors to enquire about your services.
How to Create Real Estate Content that Converts
April 21, 2022
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Think no one reads your 'About Us' page? You might want to think again… 52% of people say it’s the very first page they navigate to. That’s a lot of eyeballs.
Writing an about us page for your real estate agency
March 21, 2022
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From reminding ourselves to pick up milk on the way home, to researching the best restaurants in the area, we're living in an age where technology is doing the thinking for us. Laboursome tasks are no
Three steps to become a source of real estate information (and win business!)
March 7, 2022
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You may be keen to reap the rewards of a well planned real estate blog, but have no idea where to start. We’ve got you covered with five great content ideas.
Woman at a laptop writing real estate blog content
February 13, 2022
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Bus stops, letterbox drops and sponsorships on the local footy club are all great, but make sure your listings are where they get maximum visibility.
Say hello to a better way of advertising properties
February 7, 2022
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Blogging has become an integral part of modern marketing strategies. Read our top three reasons we think you’ll benefit from adding a blog to your real estate website.
Man at a computer writing a real estate blog
January 10, 2022
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Authenticity is a standout consumer value of modern marketing, and in the real estate industry where building trust is everything it would be a mistake to overlook.
Agents, it’s time to jump on the authenticity brand-wagon
December 6, 2021
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In an industry where first impressions are everything, having a well-designed website is critical. So what actually makes up a good website design?
What makes a good real estate website design?
November 8, 2021
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Whether buying or selling, people research online first. A well-designed real estate website will help you build trust, attract and convert vendors and buyers.
Why you can't afford to ignore web design in real estate
September 4, 2020
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So, if you can’t get their attention through the paper — where can you?
May 28, 2020
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On Facebook, it’s recommended that your videos are 16:9 and your images are 9:16.
May 23, 2019
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The more money spent on marketing, the greater the chance of finding a buyer… right?
December 15, 2016
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We’ve always had RSS feeds incorporated into your Rex dashboard. They’re generally considered a little old-fashioned these days, and you might think they’re a little out of place.
September 26, 2016
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August 29, 2016
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March 20, 2014
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At Rex we design a lot of real estate websites. We look at real estate websites, we think about real estate websites, we talk about real estate websites and we argue about real estate websites.
September 22, 2011
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Even those of us who are not avid Facebook users hear and see reports in mainstream media every time Facebook makes a change to their feature set which impacts on the privacy settings of their users
September 21, 2011
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July 13, 2011
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Now that you know what social media is, and a little bit more about some of the different social networking platforms out there
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Unlock the power of digital marketing in real estate with these 5 tips to pitch vendors effectively.
Reach Digital Marketing Real Estate VPA Tips
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Discover how Rex Reach's compares to REA Groups Audience Maximiser
Audience maximiser single ad next the the many formats and campaign types reach offers
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Timing is everything, especially in real estate marketing. That's why we've created a simple and effective Reach strategy to speak directly to your local audience during this crucial new year period
Reach Campaigns on a calendar with a sheduling date picker