Social media in real estate part 12: social media aggregators & Rex

"Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilisation, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity." – Jacques Ellul

Social Media Aggregators... What the?

Social media aggregators are pieces of software (either desktop or web-based) used to bring the feeds from multiple social media streams into one place. They will also allow you to broadcast your messages across multiple social networks at the same time.So why would these be useful? Simple – you are a busy real estate professional and don’t have the time to check your Facebook page, Twitter account or LinkedIn profile (and any other social network you are on) a couple of times a day, every day. With a social media aggregator, you can check all of your social media accounts, at the same time, and if you have something interesting to share, you can share it to all of them from the one location. Social media aggregators are all about improving the efficiency of delivering your social media strategy.

So what are some social media aggregators?

There are literally hundreds of social media aggregations tools available for you to use. Some of them have a vast array of supported social networks, others are limited to a select few networks. Choosing the right social media aggregator for you will depend on the social networks you are using. If you are currently using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (as these are the three main networks featured in this blog series) you should look into following social media aggregators and pick the best one for you!


HootSuite is a social media aggregator that allows businesses, organizations, and individuals to monitor, manage, and schedule their social media marketing activity. It is, in my opinion, one of the better offerings in the social media aggregator category and is a very popular and powerful client. HootSuite offer a free and pro (meaning paid) account with different levels of functionality. Inside the client there are some pretty cool and useful social media analytics, which will come in handy when you are trying to analyse your social media strategy and its potential return on investment.


TweetDeck is a another popular social media aggregator, that will allow you to monitor, manage, and schedule your social media marketing activity. Despite its name, TweetDeck supports a number of social networks and will aggregate all of these for you.

Social Media Integration in Rex

“What? I thought Rex was a real estate CRM system” I hear you say. You’d be right in thinking that Rex is a real estate CRM system, but “just” a CRM it is not.Rex is a pretty powerful tool for real estate agents and agencies and one of the cool features it has is social media integration.There are two parts to the social media integration in Rex: The Social Feed and the Real Estate News Feed

The Social Feed

Rex acts a social media aggregator for your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles and allows you to view a consolidated Social Feed on your Rex Dashboard from all three networks, while allowing you to interact with each of those networks (like, comment, retweet etc.) from the one location.

Having the social media aggregation and interaction straight on your Rex Dashboard will save you hours of time implementing and maintaining your social media strategy.

The Real Estate News Feed

The Real Estate News Feed allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds from news and content providers of your choice. This will ensure you are always getting the most up to date news about the real estate industry, straight into your Rex Dashboard, every day!The best part of the Real Estate News feed though is the ability to share interesting articles straight from the feed to all of your social networks at the click of a button.

Throughout this whole series, we’ve said that sharing useful content to your fans and followers is how you build your brand through social media. The social media integration within Rex allows you to do this efficiently and effectively everyday!Register for your opportunity to be blown away with a free demo of Rex hereNext week on the Rex Blog...I’ll be back next week with some more great information on social media in real estate.. Stay tuned :)

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