Win More Listings with Appraisals Pipeline

Rex Sales and Rentals CRM's newest feature Appraisals Pipeline

Succeeding as an agent or principal demands not just hard work but smart work. It’s crucial to understand not only where your opportunities lie, but which ones are most likely to convert and when. With the release of Rex Sales & Rentals CRM’s newest feature, Appraisals Pipeline, we’ve refined how you manage, forecast, and engage in the journey from appraisal to listing to help keep you focused on the right opportunities at the right time.

Elevate Your Listings Game

Appraisals Pipeline isn’t just a tool; it’s your new strategy for winning more listings. Imagine having the ability to forecast at every stage of your pipeline, tailor your business process with a visually intuitive Trello-style board, and have all critical information accessible from a centralised view. This is not just innovation; it's about offering you flexibility, efficiency, and a competitive edge.

The Appraisals Pipeline feature is designed with your success in mind. It offers:

  • Customisation and Flexibility: Segment your pipeline by expected close date or stage, allowing you to track and prioritise deals with unparalleled precision.
  • Focused Prioritisation: Keep your attention on the listings you’re most likely to win, ensuring that no opportunity is missed and every interaction counts.
  • Engagement and Efficiency: Engage seamlessly with vendors and streamline your workflows, making every step from appraisal to sale smoother and more efficient.

Your Feedback, Incorporated

We’ve listened to your feedback and the challenges you’ve faced in managing appraisals. The Appraisals Pipeline responds to more than 40 pieces of user feedback, including highly requested features like the ability to record commissions at every stage and supporting separate sales and rental appraisals. This feature release underscores our dedication to integrating customer and market feedback into our development process, aiming to meet your evolving needs and ensuring that Rex Sales & Rentals CRM continues to be an indispensable tool for your business.

Designed with Your Needs in Mind

Agents: Gain Visual Clarity and Personal Accountability

Gone are the days of struggling to visualise your pipeline’s breakdown by stage. The Appraisals Pipeline brings clarity and ease to managing your listing opportunities, empowering you with the data you need to follow up effectively and close deals faster.

Principals: Forecast with Confidence

For principals, forecasting business revenue and implementing effective processes can be daunting. Appraisals Pipeline simplifies this, allowing for detailed forecasting and budgeting. It’s about giving you control over your business’s future, today.

A Step Towards Smarter Real Estate 

With the introduction of the Appraisals Pipeline, Rex Software reaffirms its commitment to innovation and excellence in real estate CRM solutions. Whether you're exploring the market for a CRM that understands the finer details of real estate or you're an existing member of the Rex Software family looking to deepen your toolkit, the Appraisals Pipeline is crafted to align with your goals, streamline your processes, and gently nudge your business towards its fullest potential.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your real estate business? Request your personalised demo of Rex Sales & Rentals CRM today and see the Appraisals Pipeline in action.

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