Top tips for using Rex CRM's Custom Reporting feature

Our top tips on Custom Reporting for day-to-day use

Here are 5 ways Custom Reporting will provide value for your agency:

1 . Follow-up viewings

Filter by appointments that don’t have feedback from a viewing or valuation attached. This gives you a list of appointments that haven’t been followed-up, providing you with a list of people to contact. Making it easy to view all recently completed viewings in a single place. Based on the recorded feedback, you can then make a business decision like proposing an alternate listing and book in a viewing.

2. Building call lists

Build specific lists based on fields like match profile price, property ownership or interest level - hot, warm or cold. It will simplify the process of day-to-day tasks with all the data you need on one screen.

3. KPI performance

Get unprecedented visibility into the productivity metrics of your team by choosing the data field you want to explore. Review the number of valuation attendees, viewings booked, offers received and the number of new listings. Custom Reporting gives you the ability to pull in related data, filter, group and pivot.  You are also able to aggregate data to see agent metrics around the average sale price and total commission over a select period of time.

4. Morning meetings

Take a new approach to your morning meetings with live updating reports that you can rally the team around. Ensuring that everyone is on the same page by selecting the exact metrics that are most relevant for your agency. Plus the added ability to share and save reports across the agency.

5. Offers pipeline

Keep track of important upcoming dates and mark key contract milestones using our Offers Report. You can sort by the status of a contract, as well as filter by both users and time periods. This means you can further refine the report to ensure that nothing is missed - giving  you more visibility to efficiently manage the contract process.

Custom Reporting serves the entire agency in new and powerful ways, providing increased visibility for managers, admin and agents. Want to learn more about why we prioritised Custom Reporting?

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