Get the most out of Rex with these features.

Connect your real estate database to all the business tools your agency uses, and watch your sales team’s efficiency go through the roof. No more clicking between applications – do it all from Rex CRM.

A female presenting a brochure showing a picture of a kitchen to another couplePatterned Dots
UK Only


A powerful built-in calendar, purpose-built for real estate agents, agencies and support staff. Win back control of your day with Rex Calendar! Learn how here.

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Custom Fields & Tags

We believe real estate office software programs should let you store your own unique data against records.

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Custom Reporting

Streamlined Data Management for Real Estate Professionals

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Live Dashboards

Real estate is a numbers game - but it doesn’t have to be a spreadsheet nightmare!

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Marketing Outputs

Let the Rex real estate CRM take care of all your agency's marketing needs.

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Mobile App for on-the-road best practice

While your out of the office why not tick off a bunch of reminders and let your clients know you are thinking about them. Swipe to SMS or email, choose your template, hit send and you are done.

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Newsletter Reporting

See what's working (and what's not) to fine-tune your real estate marketing efforts.

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Smart Ad Content Generation

Generate relevant and tailored marketing content based on property features with Rex AI.

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Smart Email & SMS Generation

Generate ready-to-send customised messages that maintain a personal touch with Rex AI.

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Smart Natural Language Filters

There’s no need to learn complex query syntax or understand the underlying data structure of Rex, just type what you want and let Rex AI do the work.