Conference calendar - real estate and tech 2018/2019

Here at Rex, we love a good conference. Many of us manage to get to at least one a year, where we mingle and brush shoulders with real estate agents, business founders, developers, and thought leaders. Hundreds - sometimes even thousands - of attendees take over hotels and conference centers, creating temporary communities tied not by nationality or language, but by a desire to learn and make changes. There’s a lot of smarts in one room. What’s not to love?The idea is that we’ll go away, meet some people, learn some things, and then apply those new thoughts, skills or ideas at home. This way, we get to explore the newest technologies and trends, and the company is constantly being injected with new ways of thinking and doing things - which means more improvements and features for our products.  For real estate agents, conferences are a great way to network, get motivated and learn about new technologies shaping the industry. But with so many conferences and so little time, it’s difficult to choose which to attend. It’s the classic paradox of choice - when offered an overwhelming number of options, we often end up choosing none. So, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to create a list of events being held all over the world in the 2018 to 2019 financial year. Our roundup certainly doesn’t cover every conference or summit - we’d be here all day! - but the ones we’ve chosen are definitely worth checking out.

Real Estate Sales Event Conference 2018 - 26 July to 27 July 2018 - Brisbane

Why not kick off the new financial year by attending the first ever Real Estate Sales Event Conference? This event is all about learning new strategies for growing your business. You’ll be hearing from an impressive lineup of local real estate heavyweights, entrepreneurs and coaches, and hopefully come away ready to hit the 2018/2019 financial year running.  

Women in Real Estate Lunch - 14 September 2018 - Brisbane

This one’s just for the ladies. The annual Women in Real Estate lunch is all about motivating and celebrating women in the industry. You can expect a good feed, some great networking opportunities and a guest speaker with some valuable, practical tools to share. Last year, Bernadette Schwerdt (host of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald’s show ‘Secrets of Aussie Online Entrepreneurs’) shared her insight into entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, sales & communication and motivation. Why not get some friends, and book a table?

REIQ Summit - TBD - Brisbane

As Brisbane locals, we may be a little biased - but the REIQ Summit is a standout in the real estate conference calendar. The two day event includes some practical teaching sessions, as well as thought-provoking talks about the newest ideas in real estate. The date for 2019 hasn’t been set yet, but the 2018 Summit was held at the beginning of March - take from that what you will.

Inman Connect - 28 January to 1 February 2019 - New York

You might recognise the name Inman from the industry publication. These events, featuring dozens of insightful speakers including tech leaders and economists, are some of the most popular real estate conferences of the year - and for good reason. Inman Connect brings together over 4,000 leading real estate professionals, tech entrepreneurs, marketing executives and thought-leaders to explore current trends and technology making their mark on the real estate industry.  If you’re interested in leveraging technology in your business, you’ll find something of interest here.

AREC - TBD - Gold Coast

Now, here’s a conference worth travelling to the Sunshine State for (if there wasn’t already reason enough). As the biggest real estate conference in the Southern Hemisphere, AREC attracts an impressive line-up of leading speakers, motivational coaches and industry leaders every year.We always attend, so be sure to keep an eye out for the Rex stand when you’re there. The date for 2019 hasn’t been announced yet, but it’s been held in May for the last couple of years - so that’s our bet.  

MIPIM - 12 to 15 March 2019 - Cannes

This international property event brings together the most influential players from all international property sectors. There’s expected to be over 24,000 participants from 100 countries participating in a 4 day program of exhibitions, conferences and networking events. If you’ve got the budget, this is a pretty great excuse to visit France!

CoreNet Global Summit - September 24 to September 27 2018 - Madrid  and October 12 to October 17 2018 - North America

If you're in commercial real estate, this one’s for you - and you’ve got two options, you lucky things. The theme of this year’s CoreNet Global Summits is What’s Next? Exploiting Uncertainty - with a focus on examining emerging megatrends and understanding global trends in order to set a strategic direction forward. Each Summit is broken down into case study presentations, learning sessions, group activities, development training in more.

MIPIM Proptech - (exact date TBD) October - New York

MIPIM Proptech covers all things real estate tech related - property analytics and data, investment and crowdfunding, smart cities, building technology, workflow solutions, BIM, 3D/Virtual Reality, blockchain and more.  You’ll be able to try on virtual reality goggles for size at the TechHub exhibit, where tech companies and startups just like us get to showcase their latest projects and ideas. Exciting, right?

NYC Real Estate Tech Week - October 9 to October 15 2018 - New York

No prizes for guessing what this conference is about. As the name suggests, this is one jam-packed week of panels, presentations and networking for the proptech community. If you decide to make the trek to New York, expect to see panels of top real estate tech thinkers, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs mulling over the latest and greatest in tech, demos of innovative products and education sessions on the trendiest of topics.  

Inman Luxury Connect - October 17 to October 18 2018 - California

Inman Luxury Connect is all about the niche prestige property services industry. Wealth management professionals run sessions covering topics like how to partner with high-net-worth bankers to deliver specialised wealth management services, Luxury AirBNB and HomeAway strategies and risk management. If you want to learn about how to service luxury buyer, whether they’re sophisticated or property novices, this is a great place to do it.

REIQ Real Tech - October 10 2018 - Brisbane

Designed to bring technology and real estate professionals together, Real Tech has sessions covering the future of real estate, new technologies and strategies for marketing yourself in the digital world. It’s only a one day event, so it’ll be short and sweet. It’s usually a sell-out event, so make sure you get in quick!

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