New year, new website

New years is a time of reflection and change - we sit back, take stock, and consider what we’d like to do differently over the next twelve months. For many, it’s when we make well-intentioned resolutions to transform ourselves. In other words, it's a money-making time for the gym industry.Here at Rex, we’ve been wanting to give our website an overhaul for quite some time. However, we spent most of last year busily developing new features and integrating with more third party platforms that add value for our agents - a digital facelift was not a priority on our ever-growing To-Do List.As the year drew to a close, we decided enough was enough. It was time to embrace the spirit of (aesthetic) self-improvement and give our website a whole new look - just in time for 2018. Next time you visit the Rex website, the two biggest things you’ll notice are our features and Pocket by Rex.

Rex’s features

We’ve found that, because Rex is chockers with features, it’s easy for our users to miss some of the super-cool functionality that makes our CRM so special. This isn’t ideal, because:

  1. It makes our devs sad to see their code go to waste.
  2. We want our users to get the absolute most out of Rex.

On the new Rex website, we’ve put our features in the spotlight right on the homepage - complete with adorable illustrations. It’s now easier than ever for prospective users to see everything Rex does - and for current Rex users to discover features they’re missing out on.We’ve also built out our feature exploration section so web visitors can see exactly not just what, but how and why Rex does what it does.

Pocket by Rex

Our competitors plugged their mobile apps on their respective websites several months before their users would get a chance to use them. Here at Rex, we do things a little differently.Pocket by Rex has been up and running, making our agents more efficient on the go, for ten months already. During that time, we’ve sought feedback from our users and tweaked functionality based on their experience. This is something we’ve done since the very first version of Rex was released. We listen to our users - they’re the ones using the product, after all.Now that we’ve had the time to give our website a makeover the likes of which Carson Kressley would be proud of, Pocket by Rex has made it to the homepage of our website. Finally, some limelight for our fully featured solution to the mobile agent lifestyle! (Seriously - how often are you in the office these days?)There’s plenty more to see - head on over to our homepage and check out our new website for yourself.

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