In the last 6 months since we launched Rex, we've received some valuable feedback from you all on features and extras you'd like to see in Rex. We love when our users suggest a CRM feature!We've compiled a number of the most requested features into two "User Choice" updates.The first User Choice update was delivered on Wednesday this week - the new / changed features are detailed in an email sent out to all our subscribers on the same today.A second User Choice update will be delivered in Late June, following a major overhaul of the dashboard module. We'll post more information in the next few weeks.In the mean time, read on for a brief overview of what we've added in this update and check your email for more information.New Features:- data exports- audit trails (monitoring of changes to key data and historical reporting)Buyers:- improved buyer search- a large update to the "auto buyer update" system which improves integration with contact history- adjustment of the way manually and automatically matched properties are displayed against buyers.We've also made some commonly requested changes to contact history- You can now edit / delete notes that you've added for a short period- Date and time have been reformatted to allow for a more common view of date of contact- The whole contact history section has been modified to improve readability and usability.New reports and report changes: we've added several new reports to the listings and module and modified the stock-sheet's to allow for the placement of longer vendor names and other items.Thank you all for all your valuable input into Rex - we hope you like this update, and User Choice II coming in June. Don't be afraid to suggest a CRM feature - we're all ears.