Here's what's new with Rex CRM (Jan - Apr 22)

Our team has been working hard this year to add features to Rex CRM, so you can focus on what you do best - listing & selling.

January 2022

Rex Mobile Calendar

The highly anticipated Rex Mobile Calendar allows you to view your calendar on the go. Important actions are merely a tap away, easily view property details, view all attendees and add notes as you go.

Get new release info in-app

Users can now easily see all of the updates we are making from within Rex CRM. To keep you informed on all of the new releases you'll be regularly delivered release notes. They include a detailed description of the new features and included GIFs or screenshots so you can see them in action. Keep an eye out for the little red icon whenever we release an update.

Sort vendor report feedback based on interest

Feedback items in the vendor report are now ordered by the interest level rather than by date. When generating a report, the hottest feedback will now be at the top. So that you can see all of the most relevant feedback first.

More quick action buttons for Leads dialog

We promised more quick action buttons, and they have arrived!  Book Appointment and Add Reminder buttons are now available within the progress lead pop-up. Allowing you to quickly remind yourself (or someone in your team) to follow up on a lead or quickly set up an appointment.

February 2022

One-click appointment dialog

To make it easier for you to book an appointment in the calendar we’ve  modified the experience by removing the mini-popup. When clicking on a free calendar slot and instead open the main Edit Appointment dialog straight away. Simply click onto an empty time slot and you will be greeted with the full no-holds-barred calendar dialog.

Exclude under offer or contract listings when performing a manual match

When performing a manual match on a contact, you can now specify whether you want to include listings that are under offer or contract. We’ve enabled this by default in the UK.

March 2022

A new and improved leads list

We released a new and improved leads list to remove the guesswork out of tracking leads.

We’ve updated our leads list so the status of the lead is now front and centre for maximum visibility. And conveniently, you can see what the lead type and the last action (eg note added, booked appointment, added reminder) was taken on each lead.

We’ve also improved the leads filtering, with the ability to filter for leads that are new + in-progress, new, in-progress or completed!

Business name added to list

To make the address field easier to see the business names are now shown in front of a property address if a business is attached in lists.

April 2022

At-a-glance stats to individual listings

We are excited to introduce at-a-glance stats to individual listings. Now you can quickly see how many active contracts and leads you have received for the listing - it's all right in front of you.

You can now order by the reminder's name in the Reminders list.

Added an archive leads privilege which controls whether users can archive leads or not.

These will now work for all leads - new and old.

Fixed an issue where match alert emails would not send.

See who booked appointments

See who booked appointments on the calendar event dialogue. Just click into the event and look for the 'Booked by' label. This allows you to have greater transparency across the agency.

Rex CRM is continuing to add new functionality thanks to our talented development team who are constantly making improvements.

Recent Updates

New Commission Worksheet

Stream Filters & Updated Reminders

Easily Add & Update Records on the Go