Proudly announcing the new Rex

Rex software launched as a product roughly four years ago. Since that time we’ve learnt a lot. In between receiving nearly 10,000 support tickets and spending several hundred hours on the phone with our clients, we’ve had a lot of input and Rex has grown as a product. 

Today, we're announcing the new Rex. Two years ago I sat down with the senior members of our product team to talk about turning Rex from a good product into an outstanding one. On the day we opened our doors we had a vision to build a product that would change the face of the real estate market. At the time Rex was selling well, the product was at the point where it fit the market, but that wasn’t enough. What we were looking for was the elusive “last 10%": the final piece of the puzzle that would turn Rex from good into great. The more we spoke the more we realised that what we had couldn’t take us to where we wanted to be. So, we decided to rebuild from the ground up. 

Some of you may have heard from our support team that Rex was in the process of rolling out a substantial update. This is not an update. Rex has been rethought and redesigned from the ground up. This is a completely fresh product with an innovative new interface, new code and a suite of powerful new functionality. We took the best concepts from our existing product and combined them with all the design, development and business talent we had in the company. Every single person in the company had input. No feature was left untouched – everything was open for debate and improvement.In making our final decisions, we took our cue from the feedback and input of our users. For that, we thank you.

The new Rex is a product for our clients. It’s also a product for a whole new generation of clients: those interested in using a truly beautiful product with the potential to make them substantially better at the business of real estate. It’s risky to make big claims about a new product. We love the new Rex so much that we feel full confidence in describing this as the biggest innovation in real estate CRM for the last decade. Ultimately, it’s up to you to judge. We look forward to welcoming you to the next phase of your journey with us.

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