Revolutionising Rex’s reporting capabilities has been a big, hairy goal of ours for some time now it's great to announce our first three Live Dashboards are here! It's the culmination of a lot of the robust feedback you have given us over the years in terms of reporting.
We’ve seen the weekly sales figures you’ve been SMSing to the team, or the spreadsheets you’ve been manually cobbling together from multiple different PDF reports: with Live Dashboards we’re hoping to modernise how you report on your agency’s performance.
The Key Points
For admins and sales assistants: Dashboards save a lot of time copy-pasting and double entering figures.
For agents: you’re now able to better keep track of your individual monthly performance at a glance, without needing to dive into complex reports.
And for principals: you’re now able to see your entire pipeline and overall team sales performance, helping you make smarter financial decisions.
It's now live for our Professional Package users! Click the icon on the sidebar and you’ll find:
- Agent Performance
- Current Inventory
- Sold Listings
Real estate, it’s a numbers game.
Everything you do should be fuelled by data. Our main aim when developing the new Dashboards was to make your data more easily accessible and digestible, so you can spend your time putting that data to work.
Just wrapped up a better than average month? Run the numbers to see whose efforts have moved the needle.
Time to decide who’s won your office’s Salesperson Of The Year award? Check your Dashboards to see which agent is smashing results out of the park.
Want to get your agents using Rex more? Compare the number of reminders being completed by each agent.
Visibility allows you to make better decisions, identify opportunities and get on top of any weaknesses.
However, we know that there’s a lot of data you need to consider. So, we put our thinking hats on and ran a number of experiments to discover the best way of surfacing it.
3 is better than 1
To help manage your business we’ve built three live-updating dashboards. If it’s your job to pull and distribute the weekly sales reports, this will be music to your ears. We know it’s been a clunky process in the past.
Here they are:
Agent Performance Dashboard
This dashboard shows how an agent is tracking.

We’ve designed it to be used by individual sales agents daily. However, managers and directors can also use this dashboard to review agent performance.
Here, you’ll find the agent’s:
- average commission rate
- commission attributed per month and per suburb
- appraisal-to-list ratio
- list-to-sell ratio
- average days on market
- total attributable commission, and more
For extra insight we’ve also introduced a bunch of what we call “system usage stats”, such as number of appraisals completed in Rex and number of reminders ticked off, which lets you see who's really using Rex.
Current Inventory Dashboard
When you need to see your upcoming sales pipeline and forecast inbound commission, navigate to the Current Inventory dashboard. The information here will help you plan and prioritise work.

The pipeline widget on the dashboard is a great talking point for your morning sales meeting. Shared on a TV screen you’ll be able to talk through active appraisals, listings under authority, listings published, and the deals under contract and unconditional - with visibility for the commission estimates for every stage.
Sold Listings Dashboard
This one is a must! It’s where you’ll see all your sales data so you can understand where your revenue is coming from and track overall agency performance.

The filters are automatically set to show your performance this financial year compared to last year. Using this view you can see both your agency’s monthly gross commissions and also a leaderboard highlighting your top sales agents.
Manage what you see
Admin and Super Admin users can see everyones’ dashboards by default. However, other users will only be able to see their own dashboards - unless additional privileges are granted. You can head over to the Help Centre for more information on these privileges.
If your business is happy for agent performance visibility across the board, pop this Dashboard up on a public screen in the office to encourage a bit of healthy competition.
The secret ingredient is you
Our new Dashboards are as much a time saving tool as they are an accountability tool. Helping you and your team rally around your agency’s overall financial performance is the best way to make sure everyone’s working towards the big goals.
They can help you save time, drive better agent performance and make strategic decisions more easily – but only if everyone is using Rex the right way.
That means ensuring all contracts are being entered as offers in Rex, every sold listing has an associated Commission Worksheet completed and appraisals that don’t convert into listings are archived.
Feed Rex the right data, and the Dashboards functionality will make sure you never lose sight of the big picture.
Can’t see the Dashboards icon?
If you’re looking blankly at your sidebar and you can’t see the Dashboards icon it’s because you’ll be running on our Starter Package. You can check out the additional benefits of our Professional Package here on our Pricing Page.
With the introduction of two-way sync between your Rex Calendar and your favourite web-based calendar, and the new Dashboards, this upgrade is packed with really useful features.
To find out more contact our sales team.