Feature release: global audit log for clear and transparent database management

Audit log

You’re no doubt using Rex to store all sorts of data - from factual stuff like bedrooms and bathrooms, to more granular information like notes on clients taken during phone calls. We don’t call it a ‘database’ for no reason.As a database, everything you add makes Rex more valuable. The right information goes a long way to reduce double data entry, increase sales, or glean awesome insights on your agent’s activity.That being said, you’re going to want to keep an eye on how the database is being used. That’s why we’ve created a whole new system list for your admin team and directors to start making the most out of: the global audit log. (We really need to start coming up with more exciting names for features.)

Track all record changes with the global audit log

The global audit log is a pretty basic piece of functionality - but one we guarantee you’ll be wondering how you ever lived without in a few weeks time. Shoes are pretty basic too, you know - but everyone still went absolutely nuts for them when they came out. Really, all we’ve done is added in a new list that shows off all the changes made to your records. ‘Change logs’ have always existed in Rex’s back-end, but we’ve never actually showed them in the system before. Previously, if you wanted to see who’s edited what, you’d need to get in touch with our support team and they’d request the information from our developers. Not particularly handy.Surfacing these logs within the interface means that anyone with the right privileges can jump on and see an exhaustive list of every change made to your database whenever the mood swings them. The logs will include:

  • Exports,
  • Any changes to records (contact names, property description edits, OFIs scheduled - the works),
  • Things that have been created in the system,
  • Things that have been deleted from the system,
  • Basically any and every action that has a permanent effect.

Plus, being a system list, this is obviously filterable. (Saved filters are probably going to prove handy here, too). You’ll be able to drill down to see changes made to records on a per record, agent or any other basis you can dream up. Not to mention, Rex’s lists allow for mass actions. You’ll find being able to export a list of all the changes made by a single agent, for example, pretty handy. Okay, so let’s wrap up with the benefits:

  • While it’s not possible to revert changes that have been made, it’s a useful tool for a basic form of version control
  • The audit log’s a definitive way to end disputes in open offices about who’s made changes to a record
  • You can easily find records even if they’ve been changed unbeknownst to you. (I.e. a client changes their last name, and someone else in the office has updated their record to suit. If you notice the contact record has ‘disappeared’, you can simply search the audit log to see if it’s name has changed or it really was deleted.)
  • The audit log will increase clarity and transparency in general.

You can find the new Audit log in the Admin menu. For more information on using system lists, check out these feature releases:

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