2016 at Rex - a quick review of our best year yet

This is the second year we’ve released our pre-Christmas review of the last twelve months - so I suppose you could call it a tradition by now. Sure, not quite as set-in-stone as Grandma’s pudding or the Japanese obsession with Yuletide KFC - but we’re certainly getting there.Each year our users amaze us with the sheer bulk of work they somehow manage to get done. Rex is bursting at its seams with notes, contacts and listings, and Rexperts have been smashing records like never before.We can safely say 2016 has been our best year yet. We’d like to thank each and every one of our users for making it so.Come check out 2016’s year in review and go into the competition to win a limited-edition Rex Christmas tee! (You’ve earned it).Here's a sneak peak:

  • We’ve eaten over 250 kilos of fruit in the office this year. That’s equivalent to the weight of a fully grown pig... or 250 one kilo pigs. Whatever’s cuter.
  • This year’s record number of sales by a single office is a whopping 815!
  • One rockstar agent sold a record 114 listings on their own, over a two week period
  • Our Support team have resolved over 18,900 support tickets
  • Collectively, you’ve pushed out 2.5 million listings and updates to real estate websites and portals
  • There’ve been 2,323,943 new contacts added to Rex
  • You’ve added 1,441,541 new notes to Rex this year
  • We put in 56,850 hours of work
  • We welcomed 25 new staff to the team
  • We’ve had five fluffy friends visit the office this year


From all of us here at Rex - we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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