Estate agency tips and industry trends

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Latest articles from Rex

June 19, 2024
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We take a look at how Rex Software’s AI is built: unveiling the data behind our latest smart features. Read on to learn more.
Image showing Rex AIs smart property ad generation
June 13, 2024
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With the release of AI in Rex CRM, we’re excited to share key insights on how to effectively integrate AI into your estate agency while avoiding the mistakes that many have made along the way.
Rex AI's smart filters filtering real estate contacts
May 17, 2024
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We’re excited to announce the upcoming launch of Rex AI, a suite of features within Rex Sales and LettingsCRM has been crafted to dramatically reduce administrative time and amplify action.
Image of Rex AI features in action
May 10, 2024
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The integration with Brief Your Market enriches Rex CRM’s offerings, allowing estate agents to enhance their client communications and marketing through a single, cohesive platform.
Rex Software and Brief Your Market logos
May 3, 2024
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Chris Buckler, founder of The Estate Agency, shares his top tips for agents considering the switch to a self-employed agency model.
Image of an estate agent in front of a house with graphics
April 18, 2024
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Technology is constantly changing the way we work, and now more than ever it can be the difference between a successful sales agent and one that is still struggling for listings.
April 11, 2024
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The popularity of the self-employed agency model is rising rapidly. Leading agencies are turning to Rex CRM as their go-to solution, a system tailor-made for the unique needs of self-employed agents.
Image of agent using Rex CRM on desktop and mobile app
April 4, 2024
Minute Read
But far from being a threat, AI is an opportunity – a chance for real estate agents to shift focus from mere task execution to more meaningful aspects of their profession.
AI in real estate graphic
April 4, 2024
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The UK's estate agency landscape is witnessing a transformation, driven by the rise in popularity of the self-employed agency model. We explore the reasons behind the shift.
Self-employed agent showing buyers a home
March 19, 2024
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Managing your financial workflows has never been easier, thanks to the new integration between Rex Sales & Lettings CRM and Xero.
Xero and Rex CRM Integration graphic 1
March 1, 2024
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The enhanced Reminders feature within Rex Sales & Lettings CRM is tailored to improve task management and ensure comprehensive oversight across all agency operations.
Graphic of a reminder
February 22, 2024
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Rex Software's CEO, Davin Miller, announces UK team expansion by 38% and shares insights from his first visit, highlighting the UK's growing importance.
Rex Software's CEO Davin Miller
February 20, 2024
Minute Read
Rex Sales & Rentals CRM’s newest feature, will help you manage, forecast, and engage in the journey from valuation to instruction, helping keep you focused on the right opportunities at the right time
Rex Sales and Lettings CRM's newest feature Valuations Pipeline
February 14, 2024
Minute Read
Valentine's Day reminds us of the importance of relationships in real estate. CRM systems like Rex revolutionise buyer-seller matching, enhancing efficiency and personalised service in the industry.
Find your perfect match with Rex
February 1, 2024
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In the intensely competitive world of real estate, having the right tools is crucial. Rex CRM equips real estate businesses to manage their operations efficiently.
Top Reb Sales Office powered by Rex
October 30, 2023
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Discover how Rex Reach's tailored approach outshines generic boosted posts, offering broader reach, precise targeting, and a superior ROI for real estate
Image of property listing and real estate ad
October 13, 2023
Minute Read
Beyond convenience, standardising agency processes is your golden ticket to ramping up referrals, streamlining your time, elevating agency insights, and pocketing more commission. 
Image of red and yellow toy houses
October 6, 2023
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Are you measuring 'Speed to Lead' in your agency? Discover the impact of response times on lead conversion, insights from Homeflow's study, and the future role of AI in optimising processes.
Woman responding to email leads on mobile phone
September 27, 2023
Minute Read
In an economic market that's shaking homebuyer confidence, the true strength of real estate agents doesn't lie in market trends or advertising tactics but in genuine human relationships.
Agent and homebuyer conversation relationship shaking hands in a cafe
September 20, 2023
Minute Read
In this article, we explore how pivoting from GCI to volume can be the key to navigating the market's challenges and propelling growth.
Arial view of houses