Get the most out of Rex with these features.

Connect your property database to all the business tools your agency uses, and watch your sales team’s efficiency go through the roof. No more clicking between applications – do it all from Rex.

A female presenting a brochure showing a picture of a kitchen to another couplePatterned Dots
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Agent Admin

A real estate office software program that lets you track costs and payment for your all your sales staff.

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Agent Ledger & Xero Integration

Rex Software and Xero work hand in hand to make managing your real estate agent commissions as painless as possible.

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Applicant/buyer enquiries on the go

Managing leads and inspections couldn’t be simpler. Add new buyers and their requirements on the go, then email or text them e-brochures in a few taps.

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Appraisals & OABs

A real estate office software program that keeps track of your agents, potential buyers and competition.

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Assume Identity

A real estate office software program hats lets you see the job from your agents' point of view.

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Best practice follow-up in 3, 2, 1

Bored in a cafe? Why not tick off a bunch of reminders and let your clients know you are thinking about them. Swipe to SMS or email, choose your template, hit send and you are done.

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Bulk Merge & Step-Through

Connect your real estate agency's best practice templates to tasks for rapid-fire client follow-ups.

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A powerful built-in calendar, purpose-built for real estate agents, agencies and support staff. Win back control of your day with Rex Calendar! Learn how here.

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Caller ID

Answer the phone with confidence with real estate software that identifies who's calling.

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Campaigns, Brochures & Newsletters

Take care of your real estate e-marketing with just a few clicks, without leaving your real estate database.

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Cash Flow & Payment Tracking

Simplified agency financials, now more lightweight than ever with the Rex real estate CRM.

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Commissions Tracking

Rex comes out of the box with comprehensive commission tools to simplify your forecasts and real estate agent payouts.

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Contact Communications

The Rex real estate CRM has everything you need to create targeted, effective property-related messages.

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Contact Management

Rex comes with tools to help you build, manage and deepen relationships with your clients.

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Contract Management

Create and manage all your real estate contracts straight from within your real estate agency database program.

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Custom Fields & Tags

We believe real estate office software programs should let you store your own unique data against records.

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Custom Integrations

Build your own integrations to tailor your Rex real estate experience.

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Custom Reporting

Get actionable insights with less clicks with interactive Custom Reports.

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Customisation & Settings

Easily customise your estate agency's calendar according to your specific requirements with the Rex real estate CRM.

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Data Management & Mass Actions

The Rex real estate CRM gives you no-fuss control over your data, done your way.

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Document Uploads & Sharing

Rex makes it easy to share real estate resources with clients to help them make the right choice.

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Financial Reports

Complete detailed analysis on commissions and cash flows all from within your real estate office software program.

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Full Sales Trust Accounting

The Rex CRM includes a fully featured sales trust capability built specifically for real estate agencies.

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Help, Support & Training

Help documentation and videos, training webinars and lighting fast support to help your real estate agency get the most from its software program.

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Home Screen

The Rex real estate CRM lets you see everything you need to do in the day ahead at a glance.

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Integrated History

Rex Software helps your real estate agency build an interconnected web of relationships with buyers and sellers.

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Lead Management

Rex is packed with functionality to help your real estate agency consolidate all its leads and never forget a follow-up again.

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Lists & Advanced Filters

Organise and filter your property data so it works for you, the way a real estate CRM should.

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Live Dashboards

Real estate is a numbers game - but it doesn’t have to be a spreadsheet nightmare!

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Mail Merge

Send personalised emails to one or one thousand clients at once with a powerful CRM purpose-built for real estate agents.

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Managing Listing Images

Rex comes with a simple and easy to use listing image editor built in to your real estate database.

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Marketing Outputs

Let the Rex real estate CRM take care of all your agency's marketing needs.

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Matching Engine

With Rex Sales CRM you can send automatic SMS and email listing updates for the right buyers and tenants.

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Mobile App for on-the-road best practice

While your out of the office why not tick off a bunch of reminders and let your clients know you are thinking about them. Swipe to SMS or email, choose your template, hit send and you are done.

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More efficient prospecting coverage

Rex CRM will automatically send a match alert when you list something that meets their requirements.

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Newsletter Reporting

See what's working (and what's not) to fine-tune your real estate marketing efforts.

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OABs on the road

Spot another agent’s board in your local area while you’re out and about? Log it, and set a reminder to follow up the owner in a few weeks.

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Offers & Chains

One of the most important things your estate agency software needs to do is record and track progress on sales from beginning to end. However, Rex goes one step further. Rex also helps you smooth the sales progression with a visual overall chain view that helps your agents get ahead of any roadblocks and identify opportunities to provide value at every stage

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Operational Reporting

Everything you need to do your financial, advertising, contract and listing management reporting from inside your real estate system.

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Performance Reports

Get detailed reports for agent key performance indicators inside your real estate agency's database.

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Take complete control over your real estate agency database and choose what your agents and admin can see and do in the system.

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Personalised communications

Rex real estate CRM helps your agents effortlessly service all your agency's clients as if they're the only one.

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Portal Uploads & E-Marketing

Let Rex take care of portal uploads for your agency - absolutely free.

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Properties Module

Rex is a real estate database that helps you keep track of everything you need to know about the properties in your local area.

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REI Forms & Realworks

Generate and import property contracts in a flash, without leaving your real estate CRM.

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RP Data & PriceFinder Integrations

Bulk import accurate property data straight from the source.

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Reminders and Tracks

Rex is your agency's roadmap to best practice, consistent follow-up for engaged prospects.

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Seamless call workflows

Need to follow up a client? Swipe to call, have a chat, then add any feedback or notes to their contact record. It’s that easy. Leave the ‘post-it’ notes in the stationary cabinet.

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Rex is a real estate office software program that keeps your agency's data safe under lock and key.

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Smart Email & SMS Generation

Generate ready-to-send customised messages that maintain a personal touch with Rex AI.

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Smart Natural Language Filters

There’s no need to learn complex query syntax or understand the underlying data structure of Rex, just type what you want and let Rex AI do the work.

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Smart Portal Content Generation

Generate relevant and tailored marketing content based on property features with Rex AI.

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Staff Exits & Task Transfers

Get a real estate office software system that stops potential business from following staff members out the door.

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Tracks & Template Management

A real estate CRM with combined prospecting and client management functionality built in.

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Two-Way Syncing

You can count on the Rex calendar sync to ensure that important meetings and opportunities don’t slip off your radar.

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Update your database

Anything on paper is going to get lost. Never let precious data slip through the cracks again. Add and edit listing, contact and property records on the go.

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VPA and Budgets

Manage your vendor paid advertising and real estate marketing schedule all within the one real estate office software program.

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Vendor Feedback Reporting

Provide naturally outstanding service and create better client relationships with the Rex real estate CRM.