Social media in real estate part 8b: Facebook content

In this article:

This is the second part to our blog on Facebook Pages. In this blog we will look at what kind of content you can post to your Facebook Page and how to do it.

Posting Facebook Content

So what can you post to your Page's wall?

You have the option of posting a status update, a photo, a link, a video or a question. It's pretty self explanatory what all these options are, but I will go through them all with you:


Status updates are the messages you post for your fans and followers to read. Status updates used to be the main way to disseminate information through Facebook, but with the advent of new technologies on Facebook, there are perhaps more interactive ways to communicate with your fans and followers.This is what a status update looks like on your Facebook Page:

Depending on the way you want to portray your agency (or yourself if you’re an agent with a Page), the frequency and nature of your status updates will vary. If you want to take a more casual approach to your Page, you could send a status update every Monday wishing everyone a good week!


You can share photos with your fans and followers by clicking on the "Photo" link on your Page and then selecting "Upload a Photo"...

... and it will look like this on your Page's wall:

The photos you share could be a funny image you've found on the Internet (if you're going for the casual approach to your Page) or it could be a useful infographic you've found and want to share with your audience. Research has shown that people are more inclined to interact with a picture than a plain text status update, so bear this in mind when you are posting.


Just as we here at Rex do on a regular basis, you can post a link to a useful blog post or news article onto your Facebook Page. To do this, click on the "Link" option on your Page's wall, enter the URL and click the attach button.

Once you've attached the link, you have the option of editing a number of fields:

1: You can edit the title of the link by clicking in the field2: You can edit the content that was pulled from the website you are linking3: You can select which thumbnail image is pulled from the website and displayed in box #4 by using the arrows to scroll through the available links5:  You can make post a comment about the link you are sharingOnce your link is posted, it will look like this on your Page's wall:


The power of video is something you should not be discounting when it comes to your social media strategy. I know of some agencies that make a weekly video that covers the goings-on in the industry and that discuss important marketing strategies for property in the area.Your videos shouldn't be long – no longer than 2 minutes – but can be invaluable in helping to build your brand.To upload a video to your Facebook Page you obviously have to click on the "Video" link. You will then be presented with the option of recording a video with your webcam or uploading a video from your hard-drive. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will assume you have used some kind of video editing software before uploading a raw video file to the Internet, so click on "Upload a Video".

You’ll then have to select a video from your computer to upload...

Once you've selected a video, you will notice that the name of the file appears on the screen, and you can enter a comment about the video you are uploading. After you click share, it will upload your video (depending on the size of the file, it could take a while).

Once the video is uploaded, will you will have the option of editing some more information about the video, and when you hit save you'll see something like this on your Facebook Page:


As I've mentioned in previous blog posts, using social media to get useful information from your fans and followers is easy. One way to do this in Facebook is to imply click on the "Question" link.

Type your question and add some poll options:

You can even allow your fans and followers to add their own options (depending on the question you ask) by ticking or un-ticking the checkbox. Click the "Ask Question" button and voila!

Next week on the Rex Blog...Next week I'll be going into the same level of detail as today's blogs - but we'll be discovering the wonderful world of Twitter! Stay tuned :)

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