Feature release: separate feedback for OFI attendees

Capturing and accurately reporting OFI feedback for your sellers is a critical part of the property selling game. Whether this be for filtering your wheaty, hot buyers from the cold chaff, reporting back to your vendor or as collateral for negotiating the best price - feedback is a necessity.In this release, we’ve worked to improve the structure and detail of OFI feedback reporting in Rex. Initially, this addition to our feedback crusade started out as a suggestion on User Voice:

Better OFI feedback capabilities

Before the current release our OFI for all attendees was stored in a single unstructured text field labelled “general feedback”. Sure, it worked - but, like taking a hammer to a nut, it wasn’t particularly subtle. We loved the idea of a ‘parent’ OFI record: a single record that could have individual feedback from each attendee attached to it. It took a lot of late nights and Red Bull, but we’re proud to say it’s now a reality. You’ll notice a new button at the bottom of your OFI feedback dialog to “add individual feedback”.

Edit feedback

Once you’ve filled out all the usual fields, clicking this brings up the option to add individualised feedback for each attendee. You’ll might also have noticed the blue bulk actions button: this allows you to pre-populate all the attendees or remove the blank entries.

Bulk pre-populate contacts

These two work in tandem for awesome efficiency. Simply generate a list of all your attendees, fill out each one’s feedback, and then delete any blanks (attendees who didn’t leave feedback) with a click. The edit individual feedback menu also comes with a few extra surprises:

Edit individual feedback

For even richer feedback data, you now also have the option to add:

  • An enquiry source. Used to show your vendors where most interest is being generated from. This is particularly beneficial for VPA - vendors can see their dollars in action.
  • Interest level. Of course, every agent needs to know how ‘hot’ their potential buyers are before following them up.
  • Price indication. If attendees indicated in some way how much they’d be willing to spend on the home (one million dollars, two million dollars, as many coconuts as the vendor can carry - whatever) you can also record this in their individual feedback. This means you’re not just focusing on potential buyer’s interest level, but their value to the vendor.

(For more information on these new fields, see: New feedback fields for better data capture.Once all this is filled out, the real magic starts.Now, only the potential buyer in question’s feedback is shown in their activity stream. That’s right - you heard correctly. Previously, the big wall of feedback text you had to add was shown in full in every attendees’ stream, even those that had no comment at all. Some of our users were finding their own way around this by adding a separate OFI record for every attendee. They were forced to add OFI data (dates, times, etc, etc) manually over and over again.For even more saved time, if the contact has further comment on the property down the line, you can edit their individual feedback straight from their record stream. This saves you the hassle of having to trawl through one vast OFI feedback report and finding their name.We think separating buyer feedback makes your vendor reports look neater and more structured. Not only have we added ‘Agent Activity’ but now, all your feedback is clearly organised by name and interest level. You and your vendors will be happy to wave goodbye to the ‘wall of text’ of the past.


To summarise - we’ve gone all Extreme Makeover on your OFI feedback. Not only is the information recorded richer, but it’s far better organised. With this release we set out to save you time and make your service even more valuable. Hopefully you agree that we’ve achieved that here.More recent feedback updates:

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