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Themes for every type of agency

Our themes are the foundation for your new website. What type of agency are you? Does your brand ooze luxury or are you focussed on community engagement? Choose a theme and then let us tailor it to your unique brand.

Attract more prospects through search engines
Customise your designs

Customisable designs

Choose design features and functionalities that suit your agency and way of doing business. Add video, VR property tours, and interactive map search to engage your prospects.

Manage your brand and website content more effectively

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Easy content management

Want to add a new agent profile, swap out an image, or change the structure of a page? Easy. Do it all without having to engage a web designer using our easy content management system. Rex Websites has been designed to give you control of your content without ever having to rely on a third party.

Easy content management
More than 2,500 agencies trust Rex for their daily operations
Highly rated property software by Rex customers
4.7 Rating from 147 Google Reviews

Read more about website content and design.

You may be keen to reap the rewards of a well planned real estate blog, but have no idea where to start. We’ve got you covered with five great content ideas.

Five content ideas to kickstart your real estate blog

You may be keen to reap the rewards of a well planned real estate blog, but have no idea where to start. We’ve got you covered with five great content ideas.

In an industry where first impressions are everything, having a well-designed website is critical. So what actually makes up a good website design?

What makes a good real estate website design?

In an industry where first impressions are everything, having a well-designed website is critical. So what actually makes up a good website design?

Think no one reads your 'About Us' page? You might want to think again… 52% of people say it’s the very first page they navigate to. That’s a lot of eyeballs.

How to write a persuasive 'About Us' page for real estate agents

Think no one reads your 'About Us' page? You might want to think again… 52% of people say it’s the very first page they navigate to. That’s a lot of eyeballs.