What does the Rex CRM onboarding process look like?

Onboarding with Rex
In this article:

Step 1: Welcome

Your journey to success with Rex CRM begins here. Your personal onboard manager will reach out within 2 business days to be your point of contact.

Onboarding step 2

Step 2: Admin

You will receive your own personalised onboard checklist, this will guide you through the set-up process. Keep an eye out for the forms we'll send you via email.

Onboarding Step 3

Step 3: Data submission

All data needs to be submitted to your onboard manager one week prior to your onboard. Then, we'll begin the process of checking or quoting your data spreadsheets

Onboarding step 4

Step 4: Training

Once you receive your logins you'll be set to begin our training program, Rex Training! This platform will help you familiarise yourself with the product, with the added bonus of free weekly webinars each Tuesday.

Onboarding step 5

Step 5: Go live

Your onboard manage will be there to assist through out the go live process. We want to ensure that you are beginning with Rex CRM is as smooth as possible.

Onboarding step 6

Step 6: Ongoing support

Once you're set-up, you'll have access to ongoing assistance from our capable support team. The team are here to help you with any issues or questions you may come across.

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