Real estate integrations: major feature launch webinar

Real estate integrations

We're releasing a horde of new real estate integrations:

  • REI Forms Live (known as Realworks Online for our QLD clients). This will enable live feeds of property and contact data directly into REI Forms Live (including the generation of contracts).
  • Property data integrations for Pricefinder and CoreLogic RP Data (for both Australia and New Zealand clients). These will allow you to import property record data into Rex, connect external data records, have instant access to CMAs and live sales history and more.

We don’t want to overwhelm you with too much too quickly, but since these will be pulling some significant spanners out of the works, we couldn’t keep them under our hat any longer. As such, we're taking the opportunity to demonstrate them in a one-off webinar at 11:00AM, May 1st – so you can start using them all as soon as possible. We’ll spend an hour running through how to use these new additions to Rex and discuss what they can do for your agency. Attendance is (of course) free for all users and an absolute must. 

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