Feature update: commission reporting and worksheet

Our commission reporting upgrade this month deals with some long standing internal improvement plans and customer requests. The response from clients who already use the commissions system has been overwhelmingly positive. The new commission worksheet is shown below:

The upgrade has consisted of four main changes:

  1. GST is now explicitly removed at the first step in the commission worksheet and not referred to thereafter - everything after the first step is based on GST exclusive values. Although GST was only being shown as an indicative value throughout our worksheets, this caused substantial confusion - as a result it has been removed.
  2. Disambiguation of terms - certain phrases and field names were causing confusion throughout the worksheet. We've updated these to better reflect their purposes.
  3. Visual cues and totals have been placed throughout the worksheet to help users understand how the commission breakdown occurs in the background: the maximum amount an agent should be paid and what the final commission to the office appear after all deductions and agent payouts
  4. Modification of validation rules – we've also modified certain validation rules to allow 0% based awards (allowing recognition of an agent’s participation in a sale / lease without attribution of commissions) and single direction allocation (allowing 100% allocation to the listing or sale side) to allow more comprehensive processing of conjunction sales. These comprehensive changes allow us to introduce additional reports that break down agent and office pay outs on a per-settlement or per-agent basis - you'll find these in the "Admin > Reports > Sale and Settlement Reports" section.

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