Feature release: trust totals and memory of last selected account

Trust totals and memory of last selected account

The last release was an absolute mammoth. The meter was well on its way to hitting a critical level of information overload, so I saved these last few bonus features for a separate post.It’s a bite-sized release - more of a ‘release-ette’ - but these two ‘small’ features have been requested by multiple Rexperts over the last few months, and we’re happy to say we’ve made a few dreams come true.Anyway, forthwith to the features.

Trust totals at a glance

We’ve added a ‘Total’ bar along the top of your Trust Accounting tab to quickly show a brief account summary.

Trust totals at a glance

At a glance, you can see the total funds, and total funds requested. (Obviously the goal is to get these numbers to eventually match). For the ultimate ‘at a glance’ experience, when requests fall overdue, the soothing lemon yellow will change to a less-than-soothing red to remind you to follow up the client straight away.

Overdue requests

Rex remembers a user’s last selected account

For agencies with more than one trust account, Rex now remembers the last account used on a listing on a per user basis.If your agency deals with multiple accounts, this minimises the risk of you accidently applying a payment or receipting funds into the wrong account (for example; if separate staff are sending requests for sales deposits and VPA that need to be paid into different accounts).

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