How many times a day do you search Rex for a contact, property or listing record? 20 times? 50? Maybe 100, on a busy day? We’re betting it’s a lot. Search is one of the most frequently used Rex functions - it’s how most (if not all) of you navigate Rex. But we’ve noticed that it takes more clicks than necessary to get you to the record you need. Extra clicks equals wasted time - a pet peeve here at Rex. That’s why we’re always on the lookout for ways to make processes more efficient. It might not seem like all that much in isolation, but when you’re searching for 50-odd records a day, five days a week - it adds up. So, Rex’s new super intelligent search bar is going to make sure you find it - STAT. Here’s how.
Clearer navigation
The first thing you’ll notice is that there’s no longer a search button - or a search results page. We’ve taken away these elements to make it much easier for you to navigate through search results. Let’s imagine you need to access the listing record for a property on Smith Street, but you can’t remember the street number. In the past, if you had more than three properties listed on Smith Street and the one you need didn’t happen to be one of the first results, it would take you four clicks, some faith, a page reload and a bit of impatient toe-tapping to get you to the right record. Each of these actions would cause you to lose five to ten seconds of your life that you'd never get back. Here at Rex we like life, so we’ve gone through painstaking efforts to redesign the whole search experience. You can now do all of the above in one or two steps, and without ever leaving the screen that you're on. Boom. Instant results.

We won’t get into the nitty gritty behind how we’ve done this - trust us, your eyes will glaze over. All you need to know is that Rex now surfaces more information faster, for a more seamless user experience - without you even needing to leave the search bar. If you want to complete an action rather than access the record directly, or you just need to see more details, click ‘View all in a list’.

From here, you can create a mail merge, complete a mass action, export the record(s), navigate to related records or just view more results.
Recently accessed records
How many of you know that clicking the Rex logo gets you a list of recently accessed records (contacts, properties etc) as well as a quick view of upcoming reminders and appointments? We’re not pointing any fingers, but this nifty little feature has been the subject of a Hot Tip Tuesday. Still, it remains a little-known secret - so we’ve gone to a lot of effort to make those records you’ve recently accessed even more visible and easier to discover. Now, as soon as you click the search bar, your recently accessed records will show up before you start typing.

It doesn’t get much simpler than that.
Locate your own records
If you’re in a closed office where agents might be a bit private about their data, your life just got a whole lot easier. Imagine you’ve been chatting to a potential buyer - let’s call him John Smith. A few other agents in your office have also been speaking to Mr. Smith about their own listings, and you’ve each got your own contact record detailing recent interactions with him. Previously, if you wanted to access the contact record you own, you’d probably type John Smith into the search bar and then proceed to open every matching contact record in Rex until you found the right one. Well - not anymore, friends. Our new search bar takes the mystery out of this lucky dip by showing you who owns each record before you open it.

You don’t need to do anything to access this new functionality - we’ve updated all Rex accounts behind the scenes. However, you may need to clear your browser cache before you start searching. The next time you search for a record in Rex, you might be pleasantly surprised by just how fast you get to where you need to be.Happy searching, friends.