Bathurst Real Estate capture more data than ever before

Bathurst Real Estate started (under a different name) all the way back in 1975. They’ve since cemented themselves as a staple in the 40,000-strong Bathurst community - selling around 280 properties a year, and managing over 850 residences.

As an independent agency, it’s up to owner and principal Michael Whittaker to make all the technological decisions. So when his old database provider suddenly closed operations in 2012, Michael had little time to choose a whole new system to run his office.

On to bigger and better things

Having just had the rug unceremoniously pulled out from beneath him, Michael knew he wanted a CRM provider he could trust was in it for the long haul.

Most importantly, he wanted to improve the amount of data Bathurst Real Estate agents were capturing. Their previous CRM didn’t inspire a whole lot of engagement - and that meant lost prospects and poor oversight for management.

A tool your agents actually want to use

If you want busy agents to spend time using the software tools you provide, you have to provide tools they’ll actually like using.

If you want busy agents to spend time using the software tools you provide, you have to provide tools they’ll actually like using. We spend just as much time researching and designing new features as we do developing them for this very reason.

“The ease of use of Rex means our agents are far more likely to input the data they receive. When people understand what’s going on with the system it makes their - and my - life significantly easier,” says Michael. “Now with Pocket they can even do it out on the go, which is another real plus.”

But it goes well beyond data entry and access...

The more you use Rex, the more real estate you sell

I’ve noticed that the agents that write the biggest figures are the ones spending the time to keep Rex in order. They realise that by investing time into Rex, they’re actually freeing themselves up for more important tasks.

Michael Whittaker, Principal of Bathurst Real Estate

Now that’s a lightbulb moment!

agency size
10+ Employees
Products used
102 William St, Bathurst NSW 2795

You too can rely on Rex to automate simple tasks, and spend the time you save seeking out new opportunities to connect and build genuine relationships.

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Ready to learn more? Book a product demo today to see why over 2,500 agencies trust the Rex ecosystem to help them succeed every day.

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Ready to start growing? Book a demo and we’ll show you how to get your brand online in seconds.

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Ready to see how much more powerful your website can be? Book a demo and we’ll show you Siteloft in action.

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Read more of our customer success stories

BresicWhitney Rex CRM Testimonial

Rex CRM drives high performance at BresicWhitney

Explore how BresicWhitney, a leading lifestyle property group in Australia, revolutionised their real estate operations with Rex CRM. Learn how they achieved a 62% YoY increase in sales, managed a vast property portfolio, and empowered high-performing agents using Rex's user-friendly system. Discover how Rex's mobile app and integrations transformed their workflow, enhancing efficiency and sales productivity.

Rex CRM powers REIQ Salesperson of the year, Shannon Harvey

Rex CRM powers REIQ Salesperson of the year, Shannon Harvey

Explore how Shannon Harvey of Place Bulimba, one of Queensland's top real estate agents, leverages Rex as her one-stop CRM solution. With over 18 years of experience and numerous awards, Shannon reveals why she recommends Rex for all real estate professionals. Discover how Rex's integration, sophistication, and five-star customer service make it her preferred tool.

Prime Estate Agents deliver premium service from anywhere

PRIME Estate Agency is a boutique real estate agency in Western Sydney, founded by Steven Barkho who is renowned for the personalised service he provides for his clients.

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Products used