Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, acrophobia...these are well-known fears affecting a significant portion of our population. However, there is a lesser-known phobia that’s starting to affect more people.
In modern times, software development, especially in Javascript, usually comes with a lot of tools and setup. Bundlers, compilers, testing libraries, etc. All of these need to be configured.
One of our developers has just torn themselves away from building new features to tell us that 0.2% of our user base is still using Windows XP or Windows Vista.
As big a group as the Baby Boom generation is, millennials (those members of society between the ages of 18 and 34) have finally surpassed them in the homebuyer pool.
By now, you’ve definitely heard of Bitcoin. You know, the notoriously volatile digital cryptocurrency that’s been fluctuating more than the price of petrol in school holidays? It’s been getting a lot
Many of us manage to get to at least one conference a year, where we mingle and brush shoulders with real estate agents, business founders, developers, and thought leaders.